“The GRASS EXPERTS” of Living Oaks’ Turf Division delivered a precedent setting 100% success rate in 2024! Last August an Army Worm infestation broke out throughout the Eastern North Carolina/Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region after tropical weather systems carried the moth like stage of the insect into the area. Within weeks the moth’s eggs hatched the Army Worm outbreak in almost every lawn and turfgrass in the region. Living Oaks’ Turf Division team, the Outer Banks’ leader in professional fertilization and lawn care programs, produced a 100% prevention rate against the worms for their customers with their on-going research and study of grass and turf care. How did they accomplish this incredible result? They created strategic, pro-active lawn care programs designed to incorporate the potential of high percentage lawn pests (including the Army Worm or lawn weeds) which in turn saved their customers from the unnecessary burden of additional program costs required to remedy an army worm infestation. “The GRASS EXPERTS” of Living Oaks’ Turf Division annually analyze product limitations or newly modified products in the industry to create proactive lawn care programs, which is why their happy customers and green lawns throughout the summer of 2025, presented perfectly while neighbors received additional expenses for lawns that already showed disappointing appearances. On average, because the remedy for an army worm outbreak requires additional curative measures, it can be estimated that 2 to 3 rounds of additional curative treatments is required to break the worm infestation cycle. These additional rounds of curative measures will range anywhere between $275.00 to $650.00 in unbudgeted expenses above the originally proposed program cost. Creating success through a professional program created great results and saved money for the Living Oaks lawn care customer most of whom never knew the Army Worm outbreak was present until discovering in social media or observing the dead lawn like appearances within the neighboring homes. In addition, because the likelihood of successive infestations in the coming year is greater, “The GRASS EXPERTS” of Living Oaks have already begun saving their customers money in the year ahead. Located in Powell’s Point NC and serving the local area of the Outer Banks since 2002, the certified and graduated Turf Division team of Living Oaks is an example of exceptional service to the lawn care industry. Their growing service is still available for new customer relationships by calling 252.455.7591 or emailing Contact them and find that their lawns are more than green, they are better fed, healthier lawns.