Remodeled inside… and out.
- At November 16, 2012
- By livingoaks
- In Design Process
The “before” photo above pictures the remnants of the old landscape with no real walk, drive, or lawn. With construction vehicles finally off the lawn, it is time to reclaim the landscape. This is our starting point.
Design Intent
Newly remodeled home with clients seeking an exterior renovation reflective of the beautiful work they had done on the interior to complete the property. The intent was to design a landscape to compliment the home adding elegance, simplicity, and color while adding interest with use of texture. The main foundational hardscape elements; the front walk and driveway were laid out to create a natural flowing shape defining the space and restoring functionality to a limited parking area.
Incorporating many of the homeowner’s preferences with plant material and stylistic choices, a plan was drafted, presented, and agreed upon. Look for repetition of plant material across the property to unify. Also look for how we expanded the space reclaiming the overgrown vegetation on the left making into planting space while giving a visual block and solid green backdrop with simple plantings in front on either side of the property lines. Splashes of color will come from lower maintenance shrubs and a handful of perennials selected with deer in mind and seasonal interest. The selections for the front foundation provide an elegant combination of evergreens with lovely hydrangeas set within the bed. Our landscape lighting scheme illuminates the front walk and right side of the driveway while accenting the large tree in the driveway giving it the hierarchy in the landscape it deserves, and even more pronounced in the dark.
The Plan
Installation Underway…
This project began with hardscaping that included a new exposed aggregate concrete front walk and driveway. Once the concrete work was complete, a curbstone material was set in place bordering the front walk to add a touch of charm and retain the mulch within the planting beds keeping it off the walk. Extensive brush removal took place on either side of the property. The trees pictured on the left in the “before” photo become exposed and part of a new planting bed.
Then grading was performed to transition from the elevation of the side yard around the front foundation and out to the street. Material was brought in to fine grade before planting and sod installation. Once the plants were carefully placed and planted the beds received fresh mulch and the site was tidied while lighting went in and finishing touches made.
During a walk through with the clients we delivered plant care and watering instructions as well as a review of our warranty. We offer grounds maintenance to all our newly installed projects and shall visit this installation again in the spring and hopefully share some “after” photos then. Stay tuned…